CAHR Summer Internship Application

One of the signature features of CAHR is its interdisciplinary summer internship program. For over two decades, CAHR has funded FSU students from numerous majors to pursue human rights work within their own disciplines around the world. FSU students have served in refugee camps, torture treatment centers, international criminal tribunals, and with a host of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). CAHR has regular placements and also accepts student applications with their own proposed placements. Please submit your proposal as a word document. The application deadline is February 15th of the year you intend to intern.

Please note: Students graduating in the spring prior to the summer of the proposed internship do not qualify.

First Name
Last Name
Will You Be Enrolled In Courses That Term?

Please combine both your resume and proposal in one document and title the document using the following format: LastName-FirstName-resume-proposal.pdf

Upload requirements
  • One file only.
  • 256 MB limit.
  • Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.